
Paper and Board Collection, Recycling, and Recovery in Italy in 2019

While this 24th Report on the Recycling, and Recovery of Paper and Board may look like a statistical exercise, I believe that the data and the development of separate paper and board collection provide, as such, evidence of the excellent results of paper and board packaging recycling in Italy.

We are proud to rank among the best in Europe by volumes of recycled paper and board and by recycling rates (81%), achieved ahead of the 2025 targets set by the EU.

As far as municipal separate waste collection is concerned, approximately 3.4 million tons of paper and board were sorted out globally, and new separate amounts for a total of 127thousand tons were captured. Of all the paper and board collected separately by the Italyn Municipalities, 1.44 million tons, i.e. 42.5%, were managed by Comieco according to agreements. The economic investment in favour of Cities and operators for the separate collection service based on agreements exceeded 97.5 million EUR.
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