
Seminario Ecopaperloop a Lubiana

Eco-friendly recyclability of paper based products: Recyclability Evaluation and Policy Guidelines
EcoPaperLoop Seminar on Wednesday Jan 22, 2014, in Ljubljana, Slovenia 

A free seminar for everybody in the paper chain: recyclers, printers, publishers or agencies as well as packaging converters. 

12:00–12:30 Reception 

12:30—16:30 Seminar

Welcome (Diana Gregor Svetec, Graziano Elegir)
Overview of EU and national legislation (Antonija Božič Cerar)
Recyclability evaluation (Hans Putz)
Ecolabels for paper based products (Andreas Faul)
Statistics on paper collection (Ilpo Ervasti)

Brain storming session:
How to improve paper for recycling quality:
present regulations and steps further.
Recyclability (Graziano Elegir)
Collection strategies (Harald Grossmann)
Legislation — discrepancies (Gorazd Golob)
Public awareness (Andreas Faul)
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